Co-President and Founder
The Maven Collaborative
Anne E. Price is co-president and founder of The Maven Collaborative. She previously served as president and a director of the Closing the Racial Wealth Gap Initiative at the Insight Center for Community Economic Development. Anne was one of the first national thought leaders to examine and push for narrative change in addressing race, gender, and wealth inequality. She was also one of the first experts to make the connection between criminal/civil legal system debt and racial wealth inequality by focusing on state-sponsored child support debt. Anne is an experienced researcher, advocate, and trainer. She has spent 30 years in the public sector working in a wide range of areas including child welfare, hunger, welfare reform, workforce development, community development, and higher education.
Anne’s work has been featured in the New York Times, The Nation, the Washington Post, the Mercury News, Citylab, O Magazine, the Stanford Social Innovation Review, and other publications.
Anne holds a BA in economics from Hampton University and an MA in urban affairs and public policy from the Milano School of Management and Urban Policy in New York City.
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