Chrishana M. Lloyd (she/her)

Research Scholar, Early Childhood Development
Child Trends

Chrishana M. Lloyd, PhD, is a research scholar in the early childhood development area at Child Trends. With over 25 years of experience in the social science and education fields, Dr. Lloyd is an expert in mixed methods and implementation research, innovative data collection strategies, and early care and education and human service program and workforce initiatives.

To share the lessons learned from her work, Dr. Lloyd has authored reports, policy briefs, blogs, infographics, toolkits, newsletters, book chapters, and magazine and academic articles, and has presented her work in video, community, town hall, and conference formats. Dr. Lloyd has been called on by researchers, practitioners, and policymakers—including the White House—to share her perspectives on and strategies for community-driven assessments and issues related to the early care and education workforce. She has also been cited in popular media outlets such as the New York Times and MSNBC.

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